Saturday, June 27, 2009

Do You Want to Play With Me Ducks?

We just finished up our annual camping trip on Percy Priest Lake at Anderson Campground (site #3).

Will had a great time fishing. He can cast his line farther than me! Unfortunately the fish were smarter than us as they kept getting the worms off the hook. Maybe next year...

Will met some new friends, too - Mama Duck and her three babies. While they were searching for food, I was able to snap a few shots of them. You can see them in the background.

Mady Grace was too little to take the 90+ degree weather so I sacrificed by coming home at night to get her in the A/C. Oh, the things mothers do! Since she is so wiggling, our wagon came in handy. At least both kids could entertain one another.

We have all agreed that we need to graduate to a "cottage style" tent for our next camping trip as we have definetely outgrown our current setup with the addition of Mady Grace.

All in all, we enjoyed a few days off from work and the extra time we got to spend together.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Happy Birthday, Will!

Four years ago on June 1st, William Paul Riley III was born weighing 8 pounds 2 1/2 ounces. Bill and I celebrated our 1st wedding anniversary by bringing our 1st born home from the hospital. What a wonderful gift!

This year, we celebrated Will's birthday by giving him a SpongeBob SquarePants party. We had lots of family around to enjoy the fun. It was hot outside so he was able to put his new waterguns to use and we went to the pool afterwards.

Mady Grace started off the party by grabbing the tablecloth and pulling everything to the floor. Luckily the cake was in a different spot, otherwise she may have enjoyed a little chocolate before turning one herself.

Will was so excited about his cake, he blew out the candles, climbed on the table, grabbed a fork and starting his taste test of the icing. The cake (and the icing) received high marks.

Since I had to leave for work early on Will's actual birthday, I missed seeing him so I left a note. Bill said when Will came down the stairs that morning, he was so proud to say he was four. It was like something clicked!

Happy birthday, Will!